Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maybe I can't do it ALL...

It is truly amazing how our past shapes who we are today and the decisions we make:) At some point in my life I decided that everything I do would have to be done at 300%. Work, school, family, friends, training, etc. I truly want to put my full heart into everything I do. No point in doing it if I don't try my best, right?!? I also decided at some point, that I could do everything on my own. I don't want to bother anyone with my problems... I mean they have their own lives to deal with... right?!?

Well, one of my coaches last night pointed out that burning the candle at both ends is not going to be beneficial for any party involved! Working and training so hard were catching up with me and she noticed something wasn't right after seeing me for 5 minutes. I hadn't even been honest with myself that it was taking a toll on me but thankfully she was able to pick up on it and talked to me about it. WOW! She helped me realize that if I continue going like this I might not be able to finish Ironman. That really upset me because I have been working so hard for so long!

This weekend I opened myself up to the possibility of sharing my vulnerabilities with my friends and family. It turns out that sharing the "human" side with everyone will make life so much more manageable for me, and I will be so much more approachable to those loved ones in my life.

So this morning at our lululemon staff meeting I opened up to my team about how I was feeling about everything. This was one of the scariest things I have done in a while. I put it all out there! With all that emotion, of course, there will be tears. I wasn't looking for a solution or consoling. I just wanted them to know what was coming up for me. To be totally honest, I hated burdening my team with my worries. I wanted to just "figure it out" but I did make a promise to do one thing a day that scared me. Done and done!

They were, of course, super supportive (just like the ta-ta tamer:) and understanding. Creating balance in my life is something that is always at the forefront and will continue to be! Thank God I have amazing friends that help me keep it in check!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Run

Reasons NOT to run outside this morning:
1. It's raining.
2. I am downtown and will get lost because I don't know where I'm going.
3. I was up late and I'm tired.
4. I can't carry my water or energy chews.
5. I have a headache.

I laid in bed this morning for 20 minutes after the alarm went off coming up with this list of excuses why there is no way in the world I should run outside today! I toyed with idea of running on the treadmill and to be totally honest, I even thought about ditching the run all together and staying in my nice warm hotel bed.

Reasons TO run outside this morning:
1. Because I can:)

Yep! That is the only one! I spent 20 solid minutes creating excuses for why I couldn't run outside! I finally decided to suck it up and head for the street!

Reasons my run outside was AWESOME!
1. I stopped and got directions and navigated my way from the hotel at the Merchandise Mart all the way to the lake! Anyone who knows me knows that is a quite the accomplishment:)
2. I met 3 new friends and ran with them! First I met Ramone who is training for the San Francisco marathon in July! He was out for a 23 miler! We hung out for about 45 minutes! I had to turn around to head back to the hotel so I wished him luck and headed back. I caught up with a dad and daughter. The dad was training for an Ultra-marathon and his daughter was training for her third marathon! I ran with them for about 20 minutes! They stopped to chat with other friends so I kept chuggin along! Finally I met Emma! She was training for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon! She used to be a teacher too! I ran with her for the rest of the way!
3. I got to run by the Shedd.
4. I ran by the best football stadium ever built.
5. Watching the sun rise over the lake. BREATHTAKING!!!!!! I wish I could start every day like that!

I was really working on talking myself out of running outside but I'm so glad I didn't. Today was by far one of the best runs I have had in a long time! A lot had to do with me stepping outside of my comfort zone! I saw some amazing sights, met some amazing people, and got over the fear of running in a unfamiliar place!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Taking a stand for GREATNESS!

So... sometimes one of the scariest things to do is to stand up for greatness! It is easy to high five your friends when they are on top of the world. It is not nearly as easy to take a step back and take a stand for them when they may not be taking a stand for themselves! I really believe that most people have the desire to be great! They may fall short in having the courage to go and "get it" and may be paralyzed by the fear that prohibits them from even getting started!Sometimes they might have the desire to be great, but aren't sure how to get started or fear the possibility of failing if greatness isn't achieved. What they need is a good friend that will ask the tough questions. Coming from a place of love, those questions can motivate, encourage, and strengthen people to stand up in greatness!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started:)

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing people that inspire the crap out of me everyday!!!! One of my friends posted her blog so I decided to check it out! Her blog today was about her adventures kayaking down the Chicago River. I was immediately inspired and started researching kayak tours downtown! I mean... a kayak tour around the city... how fun:) I have never kayaked in my life but thought it sounded like a wonderful way to spend time with a great friend and sweat at the same time! (I love sweating with friends:)

I looked into it... rounded up a good friend to accompany me on the journey... and began the schedule the tour!

Then I realized how powerful this blog was to me! It inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and try something new! Something scary!!!!...which got me thinking...

I grew up being scared of the "normal" things little girls are scared of... spiders, the dark (etc.). I also spent my childhood (and some of my adulthood) being scared of trying new things, going new places, and existing outside of my comfort zone. It was easier for me not to try, than to try and fail! I was comfortable that way and thought things were working out "OK"!

A few years ago I walked into my first lululemon athletica store in the Oakbrook Mall! They had just opened and were giving out posters of the company's manifesto! I got home and was taken aback by the profound quotes on this poster! Some examples are..."Friends are more important than money" "Breathe deeply and appreciate the moment: Living in the moment could be the meaning of life" and "Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks" just to name a few. The one that stuck out most to me ..."Do one thing a day that scares you." I hung this poster on my refrigerator and look at it everyday as a reminder to live outside of my comfort zone and be present!!!

There were numerous times over the next few years that I would hear that quote in my head when faced with a difficult decision. After trying the "scary" way a few times and living to tell about it I realized that it wasn't so bad and actually made for some amazing memories! I was stronger and was meeting some pretty amazing people and doing some pretty amazing things! I thought everything was working out "OK" before but I had no idea how much more amazing life could be by really learning to live in the moment!

So what am I doing today that scares me???? I am starting a blog for a month documenting all of the things I do that scare me!!!!

The scariest part of this is that I have no clue where this will go or if I will even have anything thing to say all month! I know some days will have posts that are scarier than others! I even tried to plan out how many times I would post this month.... all 30 days? 15 days? 10 days? Still not sure and as a super-planner that is scary for me:)

I will totally keep you posted!!! he he he;)