Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Run

Reasons NOT to run outside this morning:
1. It's raining.
2. I am downtown and will get lost because I don't know where I'm going.
3. I was up late and I'm tired.
4. I can't carry my water or energy chews.
5. I have a headache.

I laid in bed this morning for 20 minutes after the alarm went off coming up with this list of excuses why there is no way in the world I should run outside today! I toyed with idea of running on the treadmill and to be totally honest, I even thought about ditching the run all together and staying in my nice warm hotel bed.

Reasons TO run outside this morning:
1. Because I can:)

Yep! That is the only one! I spent 20 solid minutes creating excuses for why I couldn't run outside! I finally decided to suck it up and head for the street!

Reasons my run outside was AWESOME!
1. I stopped and got directions and navigated my way from the hotel at the Merchandise Mart all the way to the lake! Anyone who knows me knows that is a quite the accomplishment:)
2. I met 3 new friends and ran with them! First I met Ramone who is training for the San Francisco marathon in July! He was out for a 23 miler! We hung out for about 45 minutes! I had to turn around to head back to the hotel so I wished him luck and headed back. I caught up with a dad and daughter. The dad was training for an Ultra-marathon and his daughter was training for her third marathon! I ran with them for about 20 minutes! They stopped to chat with other friends so I kept chuggin along! Finally I met Emma! She was training for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon! She used to be a teacher too! I ran with her for the rest of the way!
3. I got to run by the Shedd.
4. I ran by the best football stadium ever built.
5. Watching the sun rise over the lake. BREATHTAKING!!!!!! I wish I could start every day like that!

I was really working on talking myself out of running outside but I'm so glad I didn't. Today was by far one of the best runs I have had in a long time! A lot had to do with me stepping outside of my comfort zone! I saw some amazing sights, met some amazing people, and got over the fear of running in a unfamiliar place!

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