Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trail Running

One of my friends, Randi, forwarded me info about a trail running group. Now I haven't done a ton of trail running, but when I think of "trail running" I think of the trails in Chicago that consist of dirt paths that go through the woods or even the prairie path.

Well imagine my surprise when I found out that the group meets in the foothills of the mountains. Do one thing a day that scares ya, right?!?! Well one of Randi's friends offered to pick me up since I didn't been there before. THANK GOD SHE DID! We drove up and down huge windy mountain roads! I was so glad she was driving because I was able to concentrate on how beautiful the views from this mountain were!

When we got to the group she told me that she would stay with me and walk if I needed to because I still wasn't acclimated to the altitude (which have I mentioned is pretty brutal when walking/running;) I told her that she really didn't need to, but I am so glad she did! It was an out-and-back course. The first half of the course was all uphill and for fun a thunderstorm decided to roll in and welcome me to my first trail run! I ran for the first few miles that were relatively flat... but then the hills started and I needed to walk most of it!!! I couldn't concetrate on anything but on the ground in front of my feet. There were so many rocks and sticks and branches I was afraid I would trip and break my face. I rolled my ankles about 6 times. Seriously! Definetly need to get some more sturdy trail running shoes for the next run. Once we got a little past halfway, we were able to run the rest (downhill of course;).

A bunch of us went out for dinner afterward. I thought I had met some crazy people through all of my marathons and triathlons. Well these trail runners I met were right up there with some of the craziest! They run marathons in the mountains. Yes, exactly! I don't mean in the foothills! At dinner we were talking about the altitude and one of the guys told me how hard it was for him the first time he was running at 12,000 feet. My. mouth. dropped. open. One of the other guys had a Pike's Peek marathon jacket. That is right folks... This guy ran a marathon at 14,000 feet!

I really don't think I love trail running! But I will defintly try it again before I leave, just in case:)

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