Monday, June 27, 2011

"Life begins outside of your comfort zone"

A lot of thought went into relocating to Denver for the summer.

1. Training for Ironman last summer really drained me. Physically and mentally. Don't get me wrong, it was THE most amazing day of my life... so far! But I did feel like I had to say no to a lot of fun things because training got in the way. I missed... nights out with friends because I had a early workout, fun workouts because I had to get a long ride in, or traveling because I needed to make sure to get the workouts in. I think you get the idea. So after Ironman (on September 13th), I made a goal for this summer to do something ...


-far away


-where I can be active outside every day

-not have any obligations that I would have to say no to fun things:)

-challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone

2. When I think about what I want my life to look like in 10 years the one thing I know for certain is that I am active outside with my family everyday! Chicago is too darn hot in the summer and way too cold in the winter!! So I started to think about place where that might be possible. I have heard that Denver's weather is much more mild and people are way more active than in Chicago!

3. All of my life, I have lived in a very safe life socially. I grew up and lived in Naperville until I went to the college my brother went to and joined his girlfriend's sorority. I met tons of new people along the way but always had the safety net of close friends or family. One of my favorite quotes is, "Life begins outside of your comfort zone." I knew I needed to take this step in my life to really challenge myself socially!

I decided that I needed to check out Denver for the summer, so I contacted the lululemon in Denver and they were kind enough to let me join their team a few days a week while I am here! I knew they would be great people and know all of the cool happs in Colorado!

My intention while I am here...
1. Be active outside everyday for at least two hours.
2. Meet new people everyday.
3. Do one thing a day that scares me.

This is one of the scariest things I have done in a while but I know that amazing things will come from it! I will definely keep y'all posted!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you! What a cool adventure! I'll be tuning in to see what you are up to. Have fun!
