Monday, July 19, 2010

I friend told me that fear stands for...


So true. So often we create these stories in our head about why we can't do something because we fear what will happen (or won't happen). We create fake evidence that convinces us not to try something, or go for something big. It is so easy to live in this world! We can spend so much time and energy coming up with excuses, and really believe it to be true.

What is something you wanted to do but are afraid to try? Have you created fake evidence to support your decision not to do it? Ask yourself... What is the worst possible outcome? What is the best possible outcome? Sometimes just by acknowledging the worst case scenario, we realize that its not that bad and give it a shot.

Once you start conquering your fears (little and big) you start living in a world where fear doesn't really come to the forefront anymore. When faced with a fear, your first reaction isn't, "I could never do that." It becomes, "How do I make that happen?"

Do it now!

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